D08S60C is a Silicon carbide Schottky Diode that offers much higher switching performance, efficiency, power density and lower systems costs. These diodes provide zero reverse recovery, low forward voltage drop, current stability, high surge voltage capability and positive temperature coefficient. This diodes show a significant power-loss reduction and are commonly used in hard-switching applications such as high-end-server and telecom power supplies, while also intended for solar inverters, motor drives and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS).
Features -
Model | D08S60C |
Type | Schottky Diode |
Package Type | TO220 |
Continuous forward current | 8 A |
RMS forward current | 12 A |
DC blocking voltage | 600 V |
Reverse current | 100 µA |
Power dissipation | 75 W |
Repetitive peak forward current | 32 A |