Description BF245C is a general purpose N-channel symmetrical junction field-effect transistors in a plastic TO-92 variant package. It is primarily made to be used as an audio frequency amplifier and...
Description The SL80F040 is a Fast Recovery Diode. This soft recovery diode is three pins diode with a TO-3P Package. The Repetitive Reverse Voltage is 400V, and the Continuous Forward Current Per Diode (...
Description 2N6027 Programmable Unijunction Transistor 40V 300mW is designed to enable the engineer to “program’’ unijunction characteristics such as RBB, η, IV, and IP by merely selecting two resistor values....
Description The UTC 2N6027 is a programmable unijunction transistor, it uses UTC’s advanced technology to provide customers with low forward voltage, low gate to anode leakage current, low offset voltage...
Description The MJE13005A is a high-speed NPN transistor with a high voltage. With a collector-emitter voltage of 400V and a continuous collector current of 4A. The Transistor has a very...
Description PMBT3904 is a general-purpose semiconductor device that may be used to amplify, switch, or control a signal or power. Because the PMBT3904 is an NPN transistor, we must apply a little amount...
Description A1015 PNP Transistor is mostly used in audio frequency amplifier applications. It, too, can be used for switching, exactly like other PNP transistors. When used as a general-purpose audio...
Description PMBT2222A is an NPN switching transistor in a small SOT23 (TO-236AB) Surface-mounted Device (SMD) plastic package. Generally used for switching and linear amplification. Features High current (max. 600 mA) ...
Description 2N2907A is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power. It is composed of semiconductor material usually with at least three terminals for connection...
Description Its PNP transistor, The PNP transistor is a type of transistor in which one n-type material is doped with two p-type materials. It is a device that is controlled by the...
Description BC817 is a general-purpose semiconductor device that may be used to amplify, switch, or control a signal or power. Because the BC817 is an NPN transistor, we must apply...
Description The C1815 transistor is commonly utilized in both commercial and educational projects. It's made for high-frequency OSC and audio frequency amplification. The transistor's collector-base voltage is 50V, therefore it...
Description The BC337 transistor is an NPN transistor with excellent maximum current gain capability of 600 but normal gain is around 110 so that you can use it in amplifier application. It...
Description S8550 is a low voltage and high current transistor. It is a general-purpose PNP transistor designed for audio amplification and class B push-pull application. The collector current Ic is a...
Description S8050 is a low voltage and high current transistor. It is a general-purpose PNP transistor designed for audio amplification and class B push-pull application. The collector current Ic is a...
Description The BC857 transistor is a PNP general-purpose transistor. This transistor's primary uses are general-purpose switching and amplification. The BC857 PNP transistor is packaged in a tiny SOT-23 package. It...
Description It's PNP transistor, The PNP transistor is a type of transistor in which one n-type material is doped with two p-type materials. It is a device that is controlled by the...
Description The 2N3904 is a common NPN bipolar junction transistor used for general-purpose low-power amplifying or switching applications. It is designed for low current and power, medium voltage, and can operate...
Description The NPN transistor consists of two n-type semiconductors that sandwich a p-type semiconductor. Here, electrons are the majority charge carriers, while holes are the minority charge carriers. Its package is...
Description BC847B General Purpose Amplifier Transistor is widely used in transistor based amplifier and switching applications. This type of NPN general purpose transistor generally use in power supply, dc dc...
Description The BC548 transistor is used in electrical circuits for amplifying and switching. It has three pins, same like any other NPN transistor: collector, base, and emitter. BC547 have 100mA...
Description The BC557 is a general-purpose transistor that may be utilised in electrical circuits as an amplifier or a switch. This transistor's hFE ratings vary from 125 to 800, making...
Description The 2N2222 is an NPN bipolar junction transistor (BJT). Its used in low-power amplifying and switching applications. It is intended for low to medium current, low power, medium voltage,...
Description BC547 is usually used for current amplifier, quick switching and pulse-width modulation (PWM). Therefore, if you need to control the speed of a motor or actuator in some of your...